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Juniper 2

Welcome to Juniper 2!
2024 - 2025
Miss Houghton - Class Teacher
Mrs Faultless/Mrs Calloway/Mrs Shaw/Mrs Spencer/Mrs Amvrosiadis/Miss Rickard -
Teaching Assistants
Autumn 1
Bright Lights, Big City
Welcome to Hazel 1!
2023 - 2024
Miss Lowe/Mrs Bayliss - Class Teachers

Mrs Whitlock/Mrs Bradford/Mrs Stubbs/Mrs Mills - Teaching Assistants

Summer 2
Enchanted Woodland
What a fabulous time we had during Sports Day! The children all did an amazing job competing in their races, showing great determination and skill. There was also a lot of team work and sportsmanship, celebrating each other's achievements, which was lovely to see. Well done Hazel 1!
It has been exciting learning about another artist this half term. We found out that Andy Goldsworthy uses natural materials to create his artwork so headed outside to practice some of his techniques. We then spent some time collecting some natural materials for us to use to create our own artwork inspired by Goldsworthy. 
This half term we were challenged to design and make a sandwich for a summer picnic. After exploring and understanding different sandwiches looking at bread types and fillings, we then went about designing our own sandwich. We then made our sandwiches before going out to try them as part of our summer picnic. It was fair to say they went down really well!
Summer 1
Rio de Vida
This half term Hazel class enjoyed completing their first full Design and Technology project. We were tasked with creating our own flag suitable for the Rio Carnvial. After evaluating current flag designs, thinking about what a good flag needs and practising some joining techniques, we began by making a mock-up design of our flag. From this we were then able to make our final product and test it out in front of an audience consisting of Acorn, Chestnut and Mr Coleman!
This half term it was our turn to show case to the school our assembly focusing on 'People Who Help Us'. We discussed the many different occupations that are there to help us including police, fire, ambulance, hairdressers, vets, dentists, teachers and parents/families to name a few. The children did an amazing job, remembering all of their lines, speaking clearly and impressing with a song and a poem.
Over the Summer term we are exploring a new topic through our science learning focusing on plants. We started our topic by dissecting some plants to look closely at the different parts. We were able to look at leaves, petals, the stem and roots. We couldn't believe how different they looked depending on the type of plant. We then moved on to complete some sorting looking carefully at trees and using our knowledge of deciduous and evergreen.
What a wonderful way to start the half term than with a trip to Twycross Zoo to recap and consolidate some of our learning in Science. We saw lots of different animals and impressed the Education Officer with our knowledge of the different animal groups during our classroom session. We thoroughly enjoyed the Gruffalo Trail putting our knowledge of Julia Donaldson's story to the test! You were amazing on the trip and really made Birchwood proud, well done Hazel!
Hazel 1 have returned to school after the Easter break with a bang! We have met our Reading Target twice in a row, so we were treated to another tea party, this time with Mr Coleman. We thoroughly enjoyed listening to his special story all about his dog Alfie. Well done Hazel!
Spring 2
Hazel class enjoyed visiting the Food Technology Room this week to complete their DT work. We made roasted vegetable pasta salad. We started by remembering our hygiene rules of washing our hands and safety when cooking. We then used the bridge and claw technique to support us with cutting.  We really enjoyed mixing the vegetables with the pasta and sauce before eating it at the end.
Hazel 1 have enjoyed completing more gymnastics this half term. We learned all about a variety of different jumps before showcasing them by jumping off a bench. We made sure we were being safe by checking our surroundings, bending our knees and landing safely on the mat. 
In Science we have been learning all about animals, including humans. We had a go at sorting a variety of different animals based on their physical characteristics. Our groups included those with a tail, those that can fly, those that live underwater and those that have fur. We were then introduced to the animal group names of 'mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds'. We then re-organise them based on our new criteria.
Spring 1
No Place Like Home
In Music we have been exploring tuned and untuned percussion. We spoke about the different notes found and then looked at playing notes to accompany a line from our Football Chant.
In Design and Technology we were given the challenge of making Baby Bear a new chair. We learned all about structures and how to make them stable by providing them with a strong, wide base. We then got to grips with designing and constructing our chair. We think we did a brilliant job! 
Hazel 1 have enjoyed their computing learning this half term focusing on coding and computational thinking. We started the unit by giving verbal instructions when learning about algorithms. We then moved onto picture algorithms and played a game of 'Monster Hop'. The children were really good at looking carefully at the steps and following the algorithm.
Autumn 2
School Days
In Maths this half term we have been continuing our learning around addition and subtraction within 20. We have been thinking about how numbers are made from tens and ones and then comparing two numbers discussing how we know which is a greater amount.
In History, we have been learning about Victorian Times and the difference for life as a Victorian child. To further support our learning, we spent the day as a Victorian school child. We learned that school was very different, we spent the day with no electricity and sat in rows with boys on one side and girls on the other. The teachers were very strict and we had to practise our handwriting as well as recite The Lord's Prayer. In the afternoon, we had a visit from The History Squad who showed us some artefacts linked to the Victorian times. We also spent time discussing rules and punishments that might have taken place before ending the day playing some traditional Victorian games.
We started this half term with an Autumn walk to support us with our science learning around seasonal change. Out on our walk we enjoyed spotting the signs of Autumn, these included: leaves changing colour, colder weather and trees with little to no leaves on them. We then enjoyed making it rain autumn leaves. Using our learning from Science, we then worked towards writing our own Autumn acrostic poems. You can see us reciting our poems to the rest of the class in the videos.
Autumn 1
Everyday Materials
Hazel class enjoyed their first Design and Technology lesson of the year by visiting the Food Technology Room to make Mini Pitta Pockets. We practised a range of skills including measuring, mixing, kneading and rolling before baking. We then filled them with ham and cheese before tasting the delicious treat, they definitely went down well! 
Hazel class have settled really well into Year 1 life. We have continued to practise our maths skills with our practical Talk Task activities as part of our Maths lessons everyday. We have been consolidating our learning of numbers within 10 as well as addition and subtraction. We have also enjoyed accessing the maths area independently during Activity Time where we have been practising a variety of skills. 
In English we have started our learning by exploring the text 'The Story Machine' by Tom McLaughlin. We were delivered a package which we later found out included a typewriter. This brought us onto thinking about our own imagination before we planned and wrote our own creative stories. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing these with our classmates and Mr Coleman who was really impressed with the 30 storytellers in Hazel. 
We have since moved onto our next key text which is The Three Little Pigs by Nicola Baxter. We are using Talk for Writing to help us learn the story really well and become great storytellers. We enjoyed getting to know the main parts of the story through freeze-framing the main events. The children enjoyed guessing what their classmates were recreating. 
In our Thursday PE sessions focused on Team Games we are developing the skills of rolling, bouncing and catching a ball. We have spoke about the steps needed to successfully complete these actions. 
Welcome to Chestnut and Acorn!
2022 - 2023
Mrs Robilliard/Miss Lowe - Class Teachers
Mrs Hooper/Mrs Sullivan/Mrs Winsloe-Warder - Teaching Assistants
Summer 2
Mad About Minibeasts
We had the most amazing day out with the animals at Ash End House Children's Farm.  We got to stroke a bearded dragon, geckos, cows, sheep, goats, chicks and ducklings to name but a few.  The most fun we had was feeding the cheeky goats and Ozzy the duck.  We also enjoyed exploring the play areas with our friends.  It was a fantastic end to a wonderful year.
We spent a wonderful week learning about worms for our Great Science Share.  Use the QR code below to find out about all the questions we had and what we learned.
Chestnut class have really enjoyed their outdoor learning experiences this half term. They have learned about minibeasts and their habitats, building a bug hotel and spotting minibeasts. We have explored the area and certainly enjoyed the forest swing and roasted marshmallows.
How lucky we are to have such great experiences in school.

We started this half term with a three week talk for writing unit based around the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.  The children have fully immersed themselves in this learning and not only have they written their own fantastic retelling of the story, but they have also created giants out of construction kits, castle and beanstalks from junk modelling, and found out about plant lifecycles, amongst other things.  

Use the QR code to take a look at some of our learning.

Our other theme for this half term is ‘Mad about Minibeasts!’  We have begun this learning with some Science, our mission being to discover more about worms.  We have set up a wormery in our classroom to help us do this.  Come back soon to find out more about what we have discovered about worms and our other minibeast friends.

Summer 1
The Sights and Sounds of Africa
There has been much excitement in Reception this half term when we had some special visitors.  On Tuesday 9th May, the children came into school and were surprised to find there had been a special egg delivery.  To their delight, by the end of the day all the eggs had hatched and seven chicks were happily getting used to their new surroundings.  They have had the most enjoyable time watching the chicks grow, learning how to care for them and most importantly having a few cuddles.
We have been exploring the story ‘Anna Hibiscus’ Song’.  Anna Hibiscus lives in Africa.  We discover that in part of the story, Anna’s Aunties are pounding yams.  We wanted to find out more about yams, so Mrs Robilliard took a trip to an African supermarket (in England) to buy some yams.  We were surprised at how big and heavy they were!  After exploring the yams with our senses of sight and touch, we tried cooking them so that we could also discover what they smelt and tasted like too.  You can tell by the photographs that some of us liked the taste and some of us didn’t.

Summer 1 will involve transporting children to the continent of Africa where they will be immersed in the vivid colours of artists, traditional food and even regional African dances. They will discover a variety of landscapes by scanning QR codes to access informational videos. With beautifully rich literacy texts such as Anna Hibiscus' story and Handa's Surprise, the children will get to compare their own daily life to that of children across the world.

Animals and all their wonder will also be explored, allowing the children to become familiar with animals we may only see on TV and in books.  The sights and sounds of Africa really will be the most amazing adventure for all our reception children!

Spring 2
Dinosaur Stomp
Fostering and nurturing a love of reading, books and the magic of literature is a core principle at Birchwood School. Acorn and Chestnut class were extremely fortunate that teachers didn't want to celebrate just world book day, but engaged in a whole week of celebrating stories, rhymes and books. Children were invited to bring their favourite stories in, dress up, revisit old texts we have engaged in and create their very own puppets for their theatre along with many more fantastic activities. Here are some of the magical moments from this week. What a bunch of budding literary legends in the making.
This half term the children in Acorn and Chestnut class have been exploring our new theme 'Dinosaur Stomp'! It has been a mix of anticipation and excitement as the children were welcomed back to school with mysterious foot proints that led to a huge unexplained, abandoned egg. Since then, the children have been looking after it and keeping it warm. Predictions have been made as to whether it will hatch into a snake, lizard, dinosaur or even if it just contains chocolate.
As you can see from the photos the children are fully invested and engaged in this topic.
Spring 1
Winter Wonderland

We had great fun when we went to the Snowdome to experience real snow. 

We played around in the snow, slid and spun down the snow slide, climbed and played in the treehouse and threw just a few snowballs at each other and the teachers!


This half term the children have been on an adventure. An adventure through the story of We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. We use talk for writing to help embed both the story and actions of this adventure over the course of a few weeks. This week we concluded our magnificent adventure by actually going on a bear hunt. With the wonders of Green Screen here are the children in reception retelling this story
We have been learning about the story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’.  In the story the characters encounter lots of obstacles on their journey to the bear’s cave.  We went on our own sensory bare foot walk to try and get an idea about what the family might have experienced.

We really enjoyed learning about how people prepare for and celebrate Chinese New Year.  We listened to the story of ‘The Great Race’, a story of the Chinese Zodiac.  The Jade Emperor named a year in the zodiac after each animal that took part in the race.  The children thought the rat was very cheeky as he got a ride on the ox to get to the other side, then jumped over the ox's head and won the race.                   

Our other learning included; role playing getting ready for Chinese New Year, picking things up with chopsticks, painting and making dragons and trying Chinese food.  We even made a giant dragon’s head that we used to try out some dragon dancing.


Brrrr! It may be Winter, but that hasn’t stopped us investigating water and ice to make our own ice lollies – yum!  We talked about how to make them and what would happen to the water. 

'We need to pour water into a mould and then put it in the freezer to make it solid ice,' Lexi. 

'The fridge won’t be cold enough to turn the water into ice,' Paige. 

'Put water in the freezer so it goes solid and turns into ice.  It’s really cold in the freezer,' Riley. 

'We need water because water makes ice.  If you put it in the freezer it will turn into ice because the freezer is colder than the fridge.  When ice melts it turns into a liquid,' Autumn. 


We have come back to school in 2023 ready for our learning and excited to be diving into our next theme Winter Wonderland. Within this theme we will expand our children’s understanding of the world they live in and the wonders that it hides. The children will travel by text and the brilliance of their imaginations to the Polar Regions of the globe, finding out and comparing their landscapes and the animals to those local to the UK. We will explore the qualities of snow, and ice. We will also look at features of the season of winter including the changing weather. Here are some photos of the amazing learning the children across reception have encountered so far:
Autumn 2
 Why Do Squirrels Hide Their Nuts?
We had the most enjoyable day out at Conkers Winter Wonderland!  Our Christmas adventure started with a ride on the Santa Express which took us to the Elf Village.  There, we listened to a story about a robin whilst enjoying a drink and cookie.  We then made our very own craft robin to take home.  From there we went on a magical wintery walk ending up at Santa's Grotto.  Santa asked us what we would like for Christmas, told us all we have been very good this year and gave us a present.  We were all very excited!  After lunch we enjoyed exploring the enchanted forest before watching a Christmas movie in the 4D cinema.  It was such a wonderful day and will leave us with lots of special memories.
We are very proud of all the children in Acorn and Chestnut class for doing such a fabulous job of learning all the songs and lines for their Nativity play.  The end performance was amazing.  Well done everyone!
Today we had the pleasure of inviting the local Reverend into school to talk to the Reception children about the Christian Faith, her job and how the birth of Jesus is important. The children asked questions, saw props and even sang Nativity songs.
After learning the story ‘Pumpkin Soup’ by Helen Cooper using Talk for Writing, we had the opportunity to go into the Food Tech Room and make our own. We discussed the recipe used in the story and the steps taken and compared it to the recipe we used at school.  We got to taste the soup and most of us loved it.
We love exploring maths in many ways and this week we explored games with numbers up to 5. We worked as teams and threw bean bags into the hoops to see how many landed in the hoop and how many missed. This helped us to organise our sentence structures for combining amounts.
Later in the week we all went on a number hunt inside and outside of the school building. We were amazed at how many numbers can be found. Have a look at all our wonderful learning!
Chestnut class really enjoyed their first forest school session.  We went on a walk to look for signs of Autumn and talked about the colours of Autumn while on the look out for Autumn treasures.  We found different coloured leaves, twigs, acorns and berries.  We put all our Autumn objects into a cup to make an Autumn potion.
Autumn has arrived in Acorn and Chestnut class.
Here you can see the reception children exploring the learning provision inside and outside. With many celebrations such as Halloween and Bonfire Night already being seen, you can see our children immersed in their learning. Autumn is Mrs Smith and Mrs Robilliard's favourite season with all the beautiful colours and crafts.
 Autumn 1
We All Belong Here!
We had a great time celebrating National Poetry Day on Thursday 6th October.  Everyone looked fantastic dressed up as adjectives.  There was a fabulous range including sparkly, intelligent, old, camouflaged, gloomy and angelic.  We also enjoyed watching Year 2 perform the poem 'The Owl and the Pussy Cat' to us.  We then performed the rhyme 'One, Two Buckle My Shoe' for them.
Tuesday 4th October was a busy day in Reception.  We spent the first part of the morning listening to poems from the visiting poet Ash Dickinson, who then helped us to write a class poem.  We then spent some of the morning looking at some exciting educational apps on the iPads with Mr Bailey.
We had some very special visitors into school on Friday 14th October as our teddy bears joined us for a teddy bears picnic.  We retold the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears that we have been learning, sang teddy bear songs, played games and made our own banana sandwiches to eat.  Yummy!
On Thursday 22nd September local Fire Fighters came into school to talk to the reception children about the importance of their role. The children got to practice asking questions about their job and the risks they take, and also got to try on some of their amazing kit.
The children have made an incredible start to their learning journey here at Birchwood Primary School and we are so proud of how quickly they have settled and how positively they have engaged with the learning opportunities.  Here are some photographs of them enjoying their first few weeks at school.