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Pine 4

Welcome to Pine 4!
2024 - 2025
Mrs Atkins/Mrs Hill - Class Teachers
Mrs Crosby/Mrs Finch/Mrs Williams - Teaching Assistants
Autumn 1
Roman Britain
Welcome to Oak 3!
2023 - 2024
Mrs Hodgetts/Mr Bright - Class Teachers
Mrs Faultless/Mrs Cook/Mrs Fisher - Teaching Assistants
Summer 2
Take One Author - Roald Dahl

Year 3 created their own character in the style of Quentin Blake using line drawings & then painted them using water colours. In English we wrote descriptions of our characters to bring them to life.

Year 3 have been researching and testing out different fruit and chocolate combinations to find ones that work well together.
On Thursday 6th June, Year 3 visited Cadbury World to learn about how chocolate is made and where it comes from. Both classes enjoyed a fun-filled day learning about the Cadbury family and how Cadbury's began. The children enjoyed having a 'doodle' with chocolate in the have a go area, the 4D cinema experience and visiting the factory. While in the factory we saw a demonstration from some of the employers and our favourite chocolates are made in moulds. The children also got to enjoy a taste of Cadbury's chocolate with some very yummy toppings! A fun day was had by all.
Summer 1
Ancient Greece
Year 3 spent the day learning about what life was like for the Ancient Greeks with the History Squad. We found out about how the different city states were ruled and how their lives have influenced our lives today. We also learned about the different clothes they wore and the weapons they used. We even got to hold a real bronze spear head from Ancient Greek times.
As part of our Ancient Greek day we enjoyed using Now Press Play to travel back to Ancient Greek times where we went on an adventure. We travelled from Athens to Olympia and on the way we learned about Greek gods, philosophers, the Spartan army, Greek theatre, the Ancient Olympic Games and Athenian democracy. 

On Monday 15th April, Year 3 enjoyed an action packed day at Birmingham Thinktank. The children enjoyed the many different areas of the Thinktank and exploring the interactive displays.  They were fascinated by all the areas and were especially captivated by the huge water tank drop. They were also amazed by a Spitfire hanging from the ceiling and the huge steam locomotive. The Science Garden was the highlight of the day and great fun, as the pupils learned about pushes and pulls, engineering and mechanics. They were even able to try out a giant hamster wheel and fire a water cannon. Teachers were incredibly impressed with all of the children’s behaviour during the trip and how well they were able to make links to their learning back in school.

In Geography we recapped the position and names of the seven continents and five oceans using the giant floor map. Then we used an atlas to find Greece and to locate the European countries close to and bordering Greece.
We started our new text ‘Starbird’ by Sharon King-Chai by hot seating in role as the Moon King & his daughter, the princess, to help us to understand their differing viewpoints in the story.
Spring 2
Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Year 3 enjoyed taking part in a Now Press Play experience about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii, which links with our current class text 'Escape from Pompeii'.

We are learning about volcanoes and earthquakes this half term. We have used world maps to explore the lines of longitude and latitude to locate some of the world’s volcanoes.

Spring 1
Forces, Magnets and Metals

In Science we have used our Year 1 properties of materials knowledge, to classify rocks based on their appearance and simple physical properties.  We learned that a rock is formed over a long time.  They are solid and can be large or small.  Small rocks are called pebbles and a boulder is a rock that is bigger than 26.5cm in diameter.  Every rock is made from one (or more) mineral and their shapes change over time.

In Design and Technology we created our own healthy breakfasts. We know that eating a balanced diet is important and the Eatwell Plate can help us with that. We made our own breakfast pots with oats, bran flakes, natural yoghurt and our favourite fruits. We discovered that we can adapt the recipe to suit our own personal taste by putting in the fruits we like best or those we have available. Plus, unlike many cereals available to buy, ours contained no added sugar.
In science we were investigating the amount of friction on different surfaces by sliding toy cars down a ramp. We made our predictions & then during our fair test we made sure that we kept all variables the same and only changed the surface of the ramp. Some of the results to our enquiry were quite surprising though! 

We created arrays for multiples of 4 then doubled them to find multiples of 8.  We quickly discovered that we could use this method to help us learn our 8 times tables.

Oak had a great afternoon visiting Polesworth Library where they spent time looking at the wonderful selection of children books on offer and selecting their own library books to borrow and read at home. On the walk to the library we tested out our geography skills by following a map of the local area and locating different places. We also looked out for the different human and physical features of Polesworth too.
Year 3 started their new theme by looking at lots of different materials and sorting them in different ways. They then predicted if items they were given were magnetic or not before testing them with magnets to find out. Some of the items were quite unusual and we wondered where they could have come from! 
Autumn 2
Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age
In Geography we looked at photographs of Polesworth and Skara Brae in Scotland and sorted them into the two different locations. Then we identified the the human and physical features of each location.
Year 3 were lucky enough to spend a morning at Aston Villa’s brand new training facility, Inner City Academy, where we took part in lots of fun team games on their indoor Astro pitch. We then went over to Villa Park Stadium to take part in some football inspired workshops to put our Maths and PSHE skills to the test. We also got to go up to the stands and see the famous pitch being prepared for the next match. A day we will never forgot! 
Year 3 had a fantastic day learning all about life in the Stone Age with the History Squad. They learned all about early life in the Stone Age and how they used tools to hunt for food and to survive. They looked at replica artefacts and enjoyed a hunter-gatherer activity in teams! They also enjoyed a Now Press Play Stone Age story! A busy and enjoyable day! 
Autumn 1
Road Trip (USA)
Here are some of Year 3’s home learning projects that have been completed during Autumn 1. Creating a happiness jar/box and designing and making their own board games have been very popular choices this half term! 
Road Safety advice from Year 3
In Design & Technology we learnt about where beef comes from and how it can form part of a healthy balanced diet. Then we created our own brilliant American burgers and added our favourite salad toppings to finish them off.
In one of our Maths lessons we played a great game to help us order numbers using the greater than and less than symbols. We generated numbers on dice & then used them to create a 2 digit number. We then had to try & place the number in one of the spaces left on the board. 
In English we read the story ‘Snow White in New York’ which is an adaption on the traditional tale. We then used freeze frames to retell the key events ready to start innovating the story and to write our own version set in Texas! 
Year 3 are learning all about the USA. We started off our new theme by looking at the world map & locating the continents & the Equator. We then zoomed in on North America & finally the USA. We are now learning about the different states & some of the famous landmarks that can be found there. 
Welcome to Larch 2!
2022 - 2023
Mrs Clarke/Miss Houghton - Class Teachers
Miss Richardson/Mr Smith - Teaching Assistants
Summer 2
Beside the Seaside
What a fantastic time Year 2 pupils had at Weston-Super-Mare! We had the full seaside experience - sandcastles, chips, ice lollies and a British trip to the beach wouldn’t be complete without drab weather and pesky seagulls! Did it spoil our fun? Absolutely not and there were too many quotes from children to name them individually, but they all said the same thing: 'It was the best day ever!'
To introduce our theme we read the book Flotsam and then had lots of fun exploring our own trays of flotsam to try & infer who the different items belongs to. Some of them were characters from books we had read. We wondered who might have left a jar of marmalade and a map of London behind? I bet you can guess that one?! 
Grab your bucket and spade and let’s head to the coast! At the beach, we will learn about the physical and human features that can be found and explore how life in a coastal town compares to life in Tamworth. As an island we are surrounded by the sea so we will take a closer look at which seas specifically surround the United Kingdom and how to stay safe when we are near water. 
Summer 1
Land Ahoy!
After our sponsored walk, Larch enjoyed listening to Elmer read aloud!
As part of our circle time, each group discussed a separate part of Elmer and the stranger. We then came together to share our learning and complete the patch work elephant.
Larch enjoyed sharing their healthy living booklets with Chestnut to teach them ways of fulfilling a healthy lifestyle. It was great to hear Year 2's enthusiasm for their work and lovely to see reception children listening so carefully to what they were being taught.
Larch had a fantastic afternoon with Mrs Smith, Miss Houghton and Miss Richardson to celebrate the Coronation. We had a forest school session building royal residences (den building) and using natural resources with national colours of the UK to decorate their own sceptres.
Year 2 were very excited to take part in a zoom call with the authors of our key text, Jan Burchett and Sara Vogler. They read us part of the next story and gave us some top tips on being a writer as well as answering our questions. They have now challenged us to write our own pirate adventure story.

Year 2 were visited by Captain Blade’s recruiting pirate to see if any of our swashbuckling children would like to join his crew.  The buccaneers learnt about food aboard a ship, parts of a ship, weaponry (which was extremely heavy!) and why people became pirates.

Arthur. 'I enjoyed learning about the weapons. I learned a cutlass is used for slicing, not cutting.'

William, 'I liked when we got to hold swords.'

Billy, 'I learned that pirates used axes to climb up things.'

Isla, 'I never knew that there were grape shots!'

Daisy, 'I enjoyed meeting the pirate and learning new things.'

Sidney, 'I liked that the pirate did some tricks with the cutlass. He got them through his armpit without cutting it!'

Science - Year 2 went exploring to look for micro habitats around our school grounds. We looked at where different mini beasts were found and the reasons why those microhabitats were suitable for those creatures. Then we recorded the mini beasts we discovered on a tally chart. 
Year 2 followed a map around school, looking closely at where the numbers were placed. Some were inside and others outside. Once we found each number, we had to draw the corresponding pirate picture. 
Ahoy There! It’s time to set sail with Captain Blade and join his pirate crew. Do you have what it takes to become one of his shipmates? Join shipmate Sam Silver to travel back in time to explore what life as a pirate on the open sea was really like and discover more about these famous pirates and their Caribbean home. We might even discover some pirate treasure along the the way!
Spring 2
Under the Canopy

Year 2 had a fun day on Tuesday when we went to visit Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We learned all about rainforests and the plants and animals that might be found there. We even got to hold some rainforest creatures! Walking through the tropical greenhouse really helped us to visualise what it might be like to live in a rainforest. The plants were so big and the leaves were all sorts of different shapes and shades of green. We are looking forward to creating some rainforest inspired art based on our experience!


We also visited Birmingham Central Mosque. This was a really interesting experience. We found out what it is like inside a mosque and why people go there. We were also able to learn more about the Islamic festival of Ramadan.


Warwick Bear and his friends visited Year 2 today to talk about Scooter Safety when riding on pavements and near roads.
We learned about safety clothing, how to stop and slow down and how to avoid obstacles like pedestrians.
In gymnastics, we have learned how to correctly perform a forward roll, as well as revising previously taught rolls (teddy bear, pencil and barrel roll) 
Before we write a non-chronological report about orangutans, we spent time researching facts about them by using the iPads and reading non-fiction texts.
Larch are enjoying their Team Games lessons. They are learning to attack and defend whilst changing speed and direction in an attempt to trick the opposition.
As an introduction to our new theme we read ‘There’s A Rang Tan in my Bedroom’ and looked at why rainforests are being chopped down to produce palm oil. We looked at products that use palm oil and why it is used so much. We created our own conscience alley to consider the advantages and disadvantages of using palm oil and thought about things people could do to help. 
Books, books and more books - Larch had a fantastic time on World Book Day! We dressed up as our favourite book characters, had stories read to us by Mr Coleman and Governor, Mr Head, created Reading Rivers, acrostic poems and performed The Sound Collector by Roger McGough to Year 1. 
For World Book Day, all pupils will be using the key text ‘Invisible’ by Tom Percival.  Year 2 are creating acrostic poems on some key themes in the text: poverty, gratitude, invisible and empathy.  We learned these terms in class and created freeze frames for them to show their meaning.
Spring 1
Muck, Mess and Mixtures
Year 2 enjoyed making a jumping bean couscous salad as part of our healthy lifestyle work that we have been doing in science and PSHE. 
They practised their cutting techniques, peeling, mixing, stirring and trimming.
Year 2 have been learning about algorithms in computing. We began by writing our own algorithm for 'how to get ready for home time', before moving onto coding on the Bee-Bot app.
Year 2 have been looking at abstract artist, Mark Rothko. Today they used different media to create their own colour field by mixing primary colours to create secondary colours. We also used white and black to change the tones of the colour we created.
Archie said, 'I mixed red and blue to make purple,' and later added, 'Billy was right when he said if you mix all of the primary colours together you get brown!'
Daisy said, 'I mixed blue and yellow and made teal!'
Year 2 have been reading The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde and have done lots of work building up to writing a persuasive letter to the giant to let them back into his garden. We have practised exclamation sentences, using conjunctions and we also got into role as the children in the story to understand how they might feel. Here are some of our final pieces.
As part of our science topic, Year 2 learnt about the basic needs for survival and the importance of healthy eating, exercise and personal hygiene through a Now Press Play. 

When we arrived back in school, we were tasked to solve riddles to help Paddington identify who the characters were that he had met on his travels. We used our knowledge of stories to identify that they were all from fairy tales/ traditional tales. We then had a discussion about which fairy tales we know, thought about what features we might find in a fairy tale and discussed why they are also called ‘traditional’ tales.


Autumn 2
Significant People
We’ve had such an exciting couple of weeks counting down to Christmas. We had a really successful nativity performance on Friday and opened our winter books gifted by Friends of Birchwood PTA and chosen by our teaching staff. 
In Science, Year 2 children were improving their comparative testing enquiry skills by testing materials to see how absorbent, waterproof, opaque and transparent they were.
Year 2 enjoyed a visit from the Peel Society to find out all about Robert Peel, a significant individual, who lived in Tamworth. We learnt that he was responsible for starting the metropolitan police force and what it was like to be in the police in the past. We also compared uniforms today to uniforms in the past. 
The second visitors were Staffordshire Police who taught us about modern policing and how they help us.

 ‘Uniforms now are much brighter and help the police to stand out,’ Isla.


Year 2 were able to link their learning in Science to their PE today. In Science, pupils were making changes to materials (plasticine) to show the different forces we can apply to change the shape. We noticed it was hard to do that unless you warmed the plasticine up first. We then linked this to our PE learning all about warming up our muscles.
Year 2 have returned to a half term of finding out all about different significant people. We have discussed what the term significant means, used the Dawson's model to help determine if someone is significant, and found out all about Guy Fawkes and his significance to Bonfire night. We have completed a now press play to help understand Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot, as well as talk about bonfire night safety! It has been a busy day!!
 Autumn 1
Bright Lights, Big City

‘God Save the King!’

 What a wonderful end to the first half term of the year. We re-enacted a Royal Tea Party to honour the new King as guests of Paddington, who travelled here in style. We ate our bread rolls (with marmalade of course), learned to curtesy and bow and danced the end of Autumn 1 out in style.

No fires here! Year 2 have been measuring, mixing, kneading and baking bread rolls then shaping them so they’re fit for a Royal Tea Party. Thankfully we managed this task safely and the children made sure the oven was off before leaving the room! 


Year 2 had a fantastic day at Selly Manor to support their history learning on the Great Fire of London.  We visited the original Tudor manor to see how houses of the period were made and how this contributed to the spread of the fire. We toured the home with our excellent guide and looked at how the different significant people (King Charles II, Samuel Pepys and Thomas Farriner) from our learning would have dined, slept and dressed. Later we played Stuart games and dressed up in typical clothing of the period. The children amazed us with how much they had remembered from their History lessons but not only that, they could name many materials around the manor due to their Science learning and they were all involved with naming geographical physical and human features on our journey through Birmingham city.

After the wonderful Jubilee celebrations in Year 1, we will continue to build upon our learning about our capital city today and what life is like in a modern big city as well as the human and physical characteristics of the UK. 

Fire! Fire! London’s burning! We will then travel back in time to the 17th Century to solve the mystery of how The Great Fire of London started using evidence from Samuel Pepys’ diary to discover more about London at this time. 

Welcome to Elm 1!
2021 - 2022
Miss Aston - Class Teacher
Miss Tudor - Teaching Assistant
Summer 2
The Enchanted Woodland
This week we have looked at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. After collecting natural materials from outside, we created our own masterpieces. Once finished, we took a photograph of our art work then, after a very hot weekend, we photographed the work again and observed any changes.
As part of our new theme ‘The Enchanted Woodland’, we followed a set of instructions to make a woodland crown.
'It was so fun going into the wood to find leaves for our crowns,' Mia.
Summer 1
Rio de Vida
We are so proud of you Elm 1. What a fantastic performance for your first assembly. You were all amazing and taught the audience so much about Brazil!
Rio De Vida! Today was carnival day. We had so much fun practising our samba dancing and using the instruments to join in with the samba beat. We also made headdresses and flags to wave at our procession.
Spring 2
What a fantastic day we had visiting Tamworth castle. After helping the lady of the manor dress the table we trained as squires, participating in a bill drill and marching with a bill hook. Finally we had a tour of the castle.
'Today was the best day ever!' Mia.
Today we have enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. We have read and listened to so many different books - stories, poems and non-fiction.
'Today has been the best day! I loved looking at all those books,' William.
Spring 1
No Place Like Home
We came into school on our first day back from our Christmas break to find a crime scene!!  We used our inference skills and discovered that Goldilocks had eaten all of baby bear's porridge.  She found it so delicious that she asked year 1 to write a set of instructions of how to make more!  This half term, year 1 will be joining the Jolly Postman on an adventure and visiting lots of other traditional tale characters including one that lives at the top of a beanstalk, one that wears a red clock, one that plants a seed which grows into an enormous turnip and two children that discover a house made of sweets!
We came into school on our first day back from our Christmas break to find a crime scene!!  We used our inference skills and discovered that Goldilocks had eaten all of baby bear's porridge.  She found it so delicious that she asked year 1 to write a set of instructions of how to make more!  This half term, year 1 will be joining the Jolly Postman on an adventure and visiting lots of other traditional tale characters including one that lives at the top of a beanstalk, one that wears a red clock, one that plants a seed which grows into an enormous turnip and two children that discover a house made of sweets!
Autumn 2
School Days
Following a map, we went for a walk in our local area. We saw lots of interesting places including the high school, local shops and the doctor's surgery.
As part of our school day's theme, Elm 1 stepped back in time to Victorian times. We had to sit in rows and complete the 3 Rs then went outside for our daily drill. We all did our very best work as we didn't want to have to wear the finger cuffs, a back straightener or the dunce's hat! We all decided that we would much rather go to school nowadays!
Autumn 1
Moon Zoom
Buckle up and come with us on our journey as we blast off into space to learn about the 'space race' and Neil Armstrong's moon landing.  We discover what it takes to become an astronaut and develop our scientific skills as we explore the mysteries of the solar system.  We identify space nouns and use adjectives to describe space objects and aliens.
Welcome to Acorn and Chestnut!
2020 - 2021
Mrs Smith - Class Teacher
Mrs Spong - Teaching Assistant
Summer 2
Why do Zebras have spots?
Spring 2
Are All Dinosaurs The Same Size?

To complete our learning this half term, we have been given the opportunity to look after and observe the changes of some frogspawn. We are watching them very carefully in the hope that we may see some tadpoles before the Easter holidays. 

In celebration of Census Day, Acorn Class carried out lots of counting. We counted Acorn’s favourite colours and how many boys and girls there are in our class. We also analysed the data using ‘star words’ such as, more than and less than.

In PE, children have been enjoying their gymnastics learning by exploring different jumps. We started by learning how to safely get out and put away the mats and benches. We then learnt the difference between a pencil jump and a tuck jump. Children were able to safely have a go at the jumps, remembering to bend their knees and land on two feet.

In maths, we have been exploring subtraction and understand that this means to take away. We began our learning by using concrete resources like cubes and numicon before moving onto the pictorial method of taking away. The children listened very carefully and were able to show their understanding independently.

Acorn class looked forward to celebrating books by taking part in World Book Day. We looked amazing dressed up as our favourite book characters and enjoyed some time exploring books with our friends and developing our love of reading. 

Acorn Class began their Spring 2 learning by completing our topic all about dinosaurs. After working together to construct, build and decorate a dinoscape, the volcano erupted and we were amazed with the outcome. "This is amazing. It is like red fire." "Wow! It's like a real volcano!" 

Autumn 2

Why Do Squirrels Hide Their Nuts?

Acorn started the half term by going on an Autumn Walk around our school to see what seasonal changes we could observe. On our walk, we also collected a range of Autumn ingredients for our Autumn potions. The children thought it smelt "nice and fresh!" 

We have completed lots of learning within our areas focusing on all things Autumn. This included transient art, role playing in the pumpkin farm, using our senses to explore pumpkins and other Autumn vegetables, understanding how animals prepare for Winter, planting in our quad area and discussing harvest as part of our Talk for Writing story, The Little Red Hen. 

To complete our learning around Autumn, we made some Autumn smoothies. The first one included carrots, oranges and oats. This one did not go down well with the children who said "it tasted like rotten pumpkins" and "I only like carrots on my Sunday dinner". The second smoothie included apples, raspberrys and natural yoghurt. This smoothie had a much better reaction, the children said "that was yummy", "I like apples, they are my favourite fruit". 

We have then gone on to learn all about the Hindu celebration 'Diwali'. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about the festival of light and carrying out some of the traditional diwali preparations and celebrations. This included: dressing up in traditional Hindu clothing, making Diva lamps out of clay, making and tasting Burfi sweets, creating colourful Rangoli patterns, cleaning and tidying the role-play home to prepare and learning a variety of Diwali songs. 

We have loved our learning this half term and can't wait to see what next half term's topics are! 

Autumn 1
 Do you want to be friends?
Acorn Class have made a super start to their time at Birchwood. We have been very busy. Have a look and a read of what we have been up to.
We went on a very special walk around the school to speak to people who help us.
It was lots of fun seeing Mr Coleman's office; he gave us a very special sticker and even showed us a picture of his dog, Alfie!  


Mrs Jackson, Mrs Grinham, Mrs Ferris and Mrs Ryle told us about all the hard work they do in the School Office. 


We were very lucky to have a story read to us by Mrs Hooper. 


We have also had lots of fun getting to know our new friends and making the most of the sunshine!