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Team Birchwood - Fundraising

Team Birchwood visited school recently and met with Mr Coleman, Miss Haynes and some pupils to hand over an enormous cheque! Thanks to the hard work of Team Birchwood members and the huge support from the school community, we were able to donate £4000, which will be used to buy outdoor equipment to support the learning of KS1 pupils as well as some storage and resources for the quiet areas on both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds.

So that we can continue to support the school in providing children with fun and exciting resources, we are currently planning the Christmas fair which will be held on Friday 1st December 2023.  This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and we would be grateful for any help.  If you can help with either setting up the event or would like to join in the fun by running a stall, please contact us on tbps2619@welearn364.com or call 07841538553.