Team Birchwood Primary School would like to thank everyone who attended or donated items for any of our events this year. Your continued support means we have been able to raise approximately £4,500 this year. Some of this has been spent on the Christmas books for each child, reception tea party, post SATs Pizza, leavers mugs and we are planning to get some items for the quiet areas ready for September.
We would also like to thank everyone who helped either behind the scenes preparing or on the day at the events we have run this year. Without you these events would just not happen.
Finally, we would like to make a special mention for a couple of our year 6 parents that have been heavily involved in Team Birchwood.
Firstly, Suzanne Potts who has done so much prep and been at so many events over the years – Thank you Suz.
Secondly Leanne Robinson, Leanne was chair of Team Birchwood for 3 years and was a member for longer. She constantly went above and beyond to keep not just the events but also Team Birchwood running. Without her hard work and dedication, we would not have been able to raise the money we did, which has gone towards, among many other things, the trim trails, and modular stages for the school. We would not have the foundation to carry the PTA forward without everything Leanne has done. Huge thank you to you Leanne.
If you would like to help Team Birchwood in any way then please download the Spond app, link below to join, we will put all events and jobs that need doing on here, you can pick up as much or as little as want.