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Christmas at Birchwood

This week we have been treated to fantastic Nativity performances by our children in both Lower and Upper School. The school has been filled with the sound of Little Donkey, Hark the Herald and Away in a Manger as the children have sung these traditional festive songs so beautifully. I never cease to be amazed by how quickly the children learn their lines, and the words and indeed actions to the songs, it only seems like 5 minutes since they started rehearsing!  This year Upper School have even been learning Makaton sign language for one of their Christmas songs.
We are as always really proud of all of the children, and very grateful for all the support of the people that enable the performances to happen, including parents and grandparents who we know have spent time helping to practise lines, and have no doubt heard the songs a million times at home already. We hope you enjoyed sharing the final performances as much as we did.
Have a lovely Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
M Day
Associate Headteacher