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Christmas at Birchwood

Christmas is a busy time for all, not least for those who are involved in schools. This year we are really pleased that we have been able to have a relatively normal Christmas and it has been lovely to welcome parents back into our school. This week our Reception children performed their first ever Christmas performance to their parents on Thursday, and on Friday it was the turn of Year 1 and 2. Next week, we have two more performances - Year 3 and 4 on Monday and Year 5 and 6 on Tuesday.
In school, our staff and children and have been working really hard over the last couple of weeks. Our children continue to make us proud for not only their behaviour, but also for their hard work and incredible enthusiasm, which was so evident at our recent Christmas fair and Christmas performances.
Christmas time in school can be difficult as we try to juggle the demands of our school curriculum with Christmas activity. Apart from rehearsals, our Christmas fair crafts and Christmas Pantomimes, we stay on timetable until Thursday 16th December. It is only then that we put some time aside to create cards, calendars, decorations and, if time, watch a Christmas movie. Christmas craft Thursday and toy morning on Friday are really important times for children in school. They get the chance to relax, enjoy each other’s company and start to get even more excited about breaking up for the holidays.
Last week, the children really enjoyed making their Christmas products and games for our Christmas fair. Team Birchwood have informed us that they raised £3350 which is a fantastic effort. Thank you to them for all their hard work and for their organisation and a big thank you to all our children and parents who came and supported this event.
Our teachers, teaching assistants, office staff, governors, PTA and volunteers deserve recognition and our gratitude this term. Birchwood Primary School is very lucky to have incredibly dedicated and talented staff who constantly go above and beyond for all the children in our school.
They make me proud on a daily basis, and I remain eternally grateful for their amazing professionalism, hard work and their continued support for myself and the school. Team Birchwood are again showing their thanks to all our staff and children by buying and presenting them all with a new book for the winter holidays. It will be lovely to have some time off and spend some quality time reading a book. I look forward to finding out what everyone thought of their new book when we return in January.
In our last newsletter of the calendar year, may I take this opportunity to wish you all, on behalf of all the children, staff and Governors of Birchwood Primary School, a very Merry Christmas and a relaxing and prosperous New Year.
Mr Coleman – Headteacher